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Transforming Trauma

the journey begins here

Learn more about Neo Emotional Release and how it can help you

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About me


I'm glad you've found your way to my website.


My name is Anna, and while my roots are in the Rhineland, Witten has been my chosen home for the past four years.


I view life as a constant growth space where we can evolve and unfold. The body is a sacred temple, and I firmly believe that the body, mind, and soul are inseparably connected. This holistic perspective forms the foundation of my work as a Neo Emotional Release Practitioner, a calling that fills me with purpose.


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Neo Emotional Release

Self-healing and holistic health are at the core of my therapeutic philosophy. I firmly believe that all fragmented experiences we integrate into our lives lose their symptom-triggering power. 


This principle applies to all symptoms that may burden us, such as chronic pain, functional disorders, and behavioral patterns.


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For you

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Nervous System Tracking


Start tracking your nervous system in the journal now and build a deeper connection with yourself. The journal helps you reflect deliberately, create conscious breaks, and find more inner balance. Download the PDF here and start today.



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Fear Salon 



The Fear Salon

Welcome to the Fear Salon, an inner space you can enter to gently approach your fears. This PDF unveils the secrets of this unique place within you: Discover what happens in your body, why fears can arise, and how to enter the Fear Salon.


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In the world of self-discovery and healing, doors to new horizons open. As an experienced practitioner, I invite you to walk this path with me. I offer my services with the highest quality and professionalism. If you feel the impulse, I look forward to hearing from you.


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What my clients say

"Anna has accompanied me so wonderfully. I felt protected and safe the entire time, as if she had protective, embracing hands around the entire space we were in. I was able to feel emotions that were deeply buried within me and had the opportunity to accept and feel so much that had long wanted to come to the surface. I wholeheartedly recommend Anna and her healing sessions. Allow yourself to experience it and see what wonders want to reveal themselves 💗 Thank you!"

– Saliha, Germany

"I had the pleasure of receiving an intensive bodywork session guided by Anna. At first, I was quite nervous and didn't know exactly what to expect. She quickly and gently relieved me of this nervousness and, after an anamnesis conversation, led me through the session with extreme sensitivity. The input stayed with me long after the session. I was even able to apply her feedback in my everyday life! I can wholeheartedly and sincerely recommend Anna! Thank you very much :)"


– Lasse, Germany

"I felt very safe and well guided in the sessions with Anna. Anna has a good sense of what I and the space need at the moment. As a result, she has lovingly and effortlessly guided me to inner places where I dared not to venture alone. Through the sessions with Anna, I have learned a lot and have come closer to myself, to my self-love, and into my body. Thank you for the valuable experience of allowing me to feel my emotions again!"


– Maria, Germany